[TOS] Peer-Reviewed Open Source Journal

Joel Sherrill joel.sherrill at gmail.com
Wed Mar 11 17:16:23 UTC 2009

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 10:56 AM, Carlos Jensen
<cjensen at eecs.oregonstate.edu> wrote:
> Sorry for jumping into the conversation late.

I apologize for latching on to one sentence. :)

> with industry (if we want to use that term) and practice. We have been
> studying so many tools designed to make joining OSS communities easier,
> all of which have so far failed to see any adoption or have any impact
> on practice.

What type of tools are you talking about?  I participate in and contribute to
a number of FOSS projects and don't recall ever needing any special
tools for "joining".

Until you start writing code, a web browser and mail client are all I know
you need.  Maybe an IRC client.

--joel sherrill
RTEMS Maintainer

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