[TOS] Madrid Mozilla Technologies Course - Pre-registration and scholarship application open

Gregorio Robles grex at gsyc.urjc.es
Thu Jun 11 09:21:05 UTC 2009

[Please, forward this announcement to anyone who might be interested and
sorry for cross posting]

=== Madrid Mozilla Technologies Course (July - Oct 2009) ===

The Mozilla Foundation, Mozilla Europe and the Universidad Rey Juan
Carlos (Madrid, Spain) are organizing a three-month course on Mozilla
technologies. The course is almost completely on-line, but it includes a
one-week sprint in Madrid in July; the Mozilla Foundation and Mozilla
Europe will support financially up to 20 students, covering their travel
and accommodation costs.

Pre-registration (and application for scholarships for attending the
Madrid Sprint) is open until June 17th. The course is international and
will be given in English.

You can find further information -including outline, important dates,
FAQ and a forum- in the following web site:


	regards, Gregorio

Gregorio Robles           | GSyC/LibreSoft Research Lab
http://libresoft.es/grex/ | Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

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