[TOS] mentoring process

Ross Gardler ross.gardler at oucs.ox.ac.uk
Tue Jun 16 13:50:27 UTC 2009

Kathey has drawn up an initial proposal for managing an ASF wide mentoring
programme, this has received some feedback and is currently being refined.

Both Kathey and I are keen to drive this forward within the ASF. It's not as
simple as you might think given that the ASF has over 60 top level
projects, over 50 incubating projects and over 30 lab projects.
Coordinating things across that many projects is quite hard to do, so
figuring that out internally is quite important, we are making good progress.

One thing that concerns me about the efforts here are that there is
very little definition about how the programme should operate and what
checks and blanaces are in place for everyone involved. This is
what we at the ASF have come up with. Perhaps we should post this here
for consideration, and if we find agreement it should go into the


Ross Gardler

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