[TOS] Introduction

Tim Cook timothywayne.cook at gmail.com
Thu May 14 14:07:01 UTC 2009

Hi All,

I have spent some time reading the mailing list archives and it has been
educational for me.  I have pro and con thoughts on the whole textbook
idea.  But I'll leave that for another time.

I have been involved one way or another with Free Software since 1994
and specifically in healthcare since 1998. 

The project that I am now leading; Open Source Health Information
Platform (OSHIP) is hosted on Launchpad http://launchpad.net/oship 

There is a statistics page on Ohloh as well

At first glance it may appear to be a young project.  It is important to
note that it is an implementation of healthcare specifications that have
been in development for almost two decades.  Background here:
http://www.openehr.org/about/origins.html I have been involved with this
effort since late 2000 and was a member of the Architecture Review Board
for five years.
I actually started the OSHIP project on SourceForge Nov. 2005.   
But did not promote it much until 2007. I have held 2 workshops on
OSHIP.  One two week long intense session and a 1.5 day one in
conjunction with Epi2008.  I spoke on openEHR and OSHIP at many
conferences internationally.  I am an invited lecturer to the
International Free Software Forum  http://fisl.softwarelivre.org/10/www/
in June on OSHIP. 

OSHIP is a large project.  We reuse a lot of open software components.
We utilize the services of Launchpad for project management.  At this
point many of the Blueprints are probably too large for undergrad
student projects.  Maybe okay for some Masters or PhD projects?  
https://blueprints.launchpad.net/oship I will appreciate feedback on how
to improve on these and have educators characterize their
appropriateness for me.  We have opportunities for everything from user
interface design to hard-core health informatics specifications
analysis.  I need your help in defining what is most needed by your

As an independent researcher/consultant I will be offering week long
workshops that can be geared towards students and/or educators.  These
will naturally focus more on the health informatics arena and the
complexities of health care information management and exchange with a
small amount regarding working in an open source community. 

I look forward to working with this community.


Timothy Cook, MSc
Health Informatics Research & Development Services
LinkedIn Profile:http://www.linkedin.com/in/timothywaynecook 
Skype ID == timothy.cook 
*You may get my Public GPG key and/or CV                     *
*from this link http://timothywayne.cook.googlepages.com/home*
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