[TOS] a FOSS development textbook?

tridge at samba.org tridge at samba.org
Tue May 5 04:34:07 UTC 2009

Hi All,

Has anyone looked at the possibility of creating a textbook for
teaching FOSS development? The 'Producing OSS' book by Karl Fogel is
good, but I didn't find it to be sufficient as a textbook for the ANU
course. It was a little too focussed on starting a project for what
Bob and I wanted to do.

One possibility is for us to collaborate via a site like
http://cnx.org/, which has a reasonable structure for creating a
creative commons textbook. It also has the advantage of being linked
to a print on demand system, so lecturers can ask the university
bookshop to pre-order a sufficient number of cheap hard copies before
a course starts (on the assumption that many students will prefer a
hard copy).

Perhaps this has been discussed already?

Cheers, Tridge

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