[TOS] POSSE Alumni Grant request - SIGCSE travel

Mel Chua mel at redhat.com
Fri Dec 3 16:38:45 UTC 2010


This is awesomeness - clear rationale for requesting the grant, clear 
need for requesting it (can't be easily fulfilled through other means), 
concrete deliverables back to TOS... I can easily see, in my mind, 
exactly how this is going to play out at SIGCSE.

I've +1'd your grant for spending up to $3k, and this is reflected on 
http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/Budget#POSSE_alumni_grants. Like 
Matt said, if you can share a room and spend a little less, that's 
great, since it lets us have more funds for some other TOS projects - 
but you're good up to $3k.

When it comes time to booking flights and hotels and whatnot, you can 
either (1) book it yourself, then send the receipts and paypal info to 
me to get reimbursed, or (2) give me your travel details and let me book 
and pay for the stuff on my Red Hat account, and worry about nothing 
further from that point. Your call - but basically, you're in the clear 
to either buy stuff or tell me to buy stuff now.

If you can book travel before Feb 1st that would be nice since the Red 
Hat budget year rolls over in March and that'll give me time to get all 
your finance stuff through before the end of the budget year. ;) Not a 
hard requirement, though.

Thanks, and looking forward to seeing you in Texas this March!


On 12/01/2010 06:48 PM, Matthew Jadud wrote:
> Hi Grant,
> One minor comment.
> 2010/12/1 Grant Hearn<ghh at mweb.co.za>:
>> Accommodation 850
> You should be able to room with someone (I think I may have a roommate
> already), so this number can be cut down, FWIW. (I've roomed with
> someone at every SIGCSE I've attended, which is very useful w/ limited
> travel budgets.)
> Cheers,
> Matt
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