[TOS] Anyone applying for Startl Prize for OER? [was: Dec. 10 deadline "Startl Prize for Open Education Resources"]

Karsten Wade kwade at redhat.com
Tue Dec 7 18:40:59 UTC 2010

Probably a bit close if you are just learning about this, unless you
have a slam-dunk application idea. :)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 	Apply soon - Dec. 10 deadline "Startl Prize for Open Education  
Date: 	Mon, 06 Dec 2010 17:32:55 -0500
From: 	Laurie Racine, Diana Rhoten, Phoenix Wang <info at startl.org>

Reminder that the application deadline the Startl Prize for Open
Education Standards is this Friday, December 10. The prize amount is
$25,000. If interested, please submit a simple executive summary at
by December 10.  Full business plan is due in March 2011.

What is the Startl Prize for Open Educational Resources  

In partnership with the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation and the
Graduate School of Education at University of Pennsylvania, Startl
will announce the winner this spring during the Milken PennGSE
Education Business Plan Competition.  The Startl Prize for Open
Educational Resources
awards the best business plan that leverages openly licensed content
to change the paradigm around the production, delivery, sharing, and
experience of learning. The intention is to catalyze models that
increase access to and dramatically lower the cost of learning.
Startl is seeking to inspire entrepreneurs to think creatively about
how to incorporate open principles into their core business strategy.

To enter the competition, please visit:
for information about the general business plan competition and
judging criteria.  To be considered specifically for the Startl OER
prize, please indicate it as part of your overall submission.  Warmly,

The Startl Team
Laurie Racine <mailto:laurie at startl.org>
Diana Rhoten <mailto:diana at startl.org>
Phoenix Wang <mailto:phoenix at startl.org>

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name:  Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Sr. Community Gardener
team:                Red Hat Community Architecture 
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