[TOS] Final CFP Reminder: 3rd Annual Humanitarian FOSS Symposium ( Deadline Dec. 20th)
de Lanerolle, Trishan R.
Trishan.deLanerolle at trincoll.edu
Fri Dec 17 17:06:25 UTC 2010
We would like to call your attention to the 3rd annual HFOSS Symposium
(HFOSS 2011 http://www.hfoss.org/hfoss2011).
This one-day symposium will be held in Dallas, TX on March 9, 2011 as a pre-conference activity in conjunction with the 2011 SIGCSE conference (http://www.sigcse.org/sigcse2011/ ). It is sponsored by the NSF-funded Humanitarian FOSS Project (http://hfoss.org<http://hfoss.org/>).
The theme of this year's Symposium is "Think FOSS, Act Locally: HFOSS in the Local Community" and will focus on applying FOSS within local government, in K-12 education, and in collaboration with local non-profit organizations. As in previous years, the symposium will be highly interactive, taking place entirely in plenary sessions. This year's keynote speaker is Bryan Sivak, Chief Technology Officer for the District of Columbia, a founding member and advisory board member of Civic Commons. In addition to the keynote address the symposium will include a poster session, and panels on the role of FOSS in local government, K-12 education, and the non-profit sector.
We invite you to submit a 2-3 page paper for one of the three panels, either to share your ideas via a position statement or to report on your HFOSS work. Alternatively, you can submit a poster abstract for presenting your work at the poster session. Accepted 2-3 page papers and posters together with abstracts, will be made available for download via the symposium website.
The symposium deadlines are as follows:
December 20, 2010 - Poster abstracts and position statements due
January 7, 2011 - Author acceptance/rejection notification
January 20, 2011 - Registration deadline for invited participants
March 1, 2011 - Final (open) registration deadline
Complete CFP details are available below and at: http://www.hfoss.org/hfoss2011/?q=cfp
Panel Presentations. We invite participants to submit short (2-3 pages) papers or position statements that will be presented during the panel sessions. The submission should identify which panel it is intended for and should address questions and issues relating to the symposium's theme, for example:
* How can university/industry/public sector partnerships use open source to better collaborate on common IT challenges?
* How can FOSS and HFOSS principles and practices be adapted so they can be taught in the K-12 curriculum?
* How can Humanitarian FOSS activities be used to engage students in the broader community?
Posters. Participants (and especially students) are invited to submit abstracts for posters that report on humanitarian FOSS software development projects and experiences or (especially faculty) on practical efforts to incorporate FOSS and HFOSS courses, projects, and assignments into the computing curriculum or describe approaches and strategies for teaching about FOSS and HFOSS. For example:
* Reports on introductory or advanced FOSS and HFOSS courses.
* New FOSS and HFOSS projects involving students, clients, and IT partners working together.
* Effective (or ineffective) FOSS and HFOSS-related assignments, and team-forming exercises for introductory and advanced courses.
* Examples of how FOSS and HFOSS development principles can be integrated within a traditional software engineering course.
* Examples of how interest in the broader “free and open culture” movement can be used to generate interest in computing as a field of study.
* Examples of how to organize team projects, teach communication, and assess work done by individual team members.
* Examples of how to adapt FOSS and HFOSS principles and practices so that they can be taught in the K-12 curriculum.
For additional details about the symposium visit our web site http://www.hfoss.org/hfoss2011
or email us at symposium at hfoss.org<mailto:symposium at hfoss.org> .
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