[TOS] gifted high school student

David Nalley david.nalley at fedoraproject.org
Wed Dec 22 18:51:03 UTC 2010

On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 1:43 PM, Robert Arkiletian <robark at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I'm a high school teacher. I teach Python and C/C++ in a Linux
> DRBL environment.  One of my senior students is a very accomplished
> programmer.  Some of the self directed projects he has accomplished
> are a tiling window manager for X, port knocker, audio player (all in
> C). He is also working towards getting his RHCE certificate before he
> graduates. Wondering which *Canadian* universities would be a good fit
> for such a student?
> Thanks
> --
> Robert Arkiletian
> Eric Hamber Secondary, Vancouver, Canada
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First let me disclaim that I am hardly the person to rate Canadian
colleges, however I am a decent observer and can certainly say that
Seneca is very active on this list, and the list of projects they've
had students tackling is impressive.

That said - I'd actively encourage you to have him look into open
source communities that he can actively participate in (if he isn't
already) Fedora would be my first recommendation (albeit a biased one)
and we have a number of high school students who have become core and
key contributors, and I think tend to be pretty welcoming.

David Nalley.

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