[TOS] Budget Request: Mobile Equipment

Stephen Jacobs itprofjacobs at gmail.com
Tue Jun 7 02:20:58 UTC 2011

I'm requesting support to purchase several mobile devices for two purposes.  The first is to support the development of a personnel funded Summer undergraduate research project to create a prototype  triage application with canned multi-lingual and real-time language translation capabilities for use with EMT and emergency room personnel.  Student workers have been hired to do the development of the prototype, we're now looking for $ to acquire tablets and mobile phones to deploy on once we've done development on personal computers. Rochester General Hospital's Office of Community Medicine, the largest consumer of medical translation services in the county, will mentor the students and offer ther clinic as a test site for it.  Development would explore, amongst other technology options, an upgrade of the Transbot project by Taylor Rose, who worked on OVC as well.  THe other student team member, JT Mengel, worked on Lemonade Stand last summer and the graphics and animation white paper for the Sugar platform.

 Second usage, once the triage app summer development is complete, would be to move into the pool of hardware available to student developers within FOSS at RIT and the HFOSS class.  

Total Request  Estimate $ 3,400

(Line item costs estimates and will vary based on promotions, etc at time of purchase.  10.1, 8.9 , etc refesr to screen sizes on the devices)

1. Motorola Xoom 10.1 and Protective Case. $700
2.  Samsung Galaxy Tab 8.9 and protective case $800
3.  Dell Streak 7.0 and protective case $500
4.  iPad 2*  9.7 and protective case $700
5.  HTC Thunderbolt 5.0 and protective case $700

*Yes, the iPad is not an open platform, but has a huge jump ahead in market penetration with docs, hospitals etc.  

Stephen Jacobs
Associate Professor, Interactive Games and Media
Visiting Scholar,International Center for the History of Electronic Games
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Game Design and Development Education
Director, Lab for Technological Literacy
Rochester Institute of Technology
152 Lomb Memorial Drive
Bldg 70
Rochester, NY 14623
sj at mail.rit.edu

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