[TOS] NSF E^2 initiative focuses on undergrad pedagogy & cyberlearning
Mel Chua
mel at purdue.edu
Tue Aug 21 11:34:44 UTC 2012
Welcome to the new (American, anyway) school year, folks! Found this
interesting, thought others would as well. The NSF is doing a big push
on STEM education with a focus on the undergraduate level *and*
cyberlearning. It's called Expeditions in Education (E^2) and has a
5-year (2012-2017) plan.
I quote, from
"For example, "what are the premier approaches to pedagogy and faculty
development for the “connected” age, and how can these technologies be
used to advance a diverse workforce for science and engineering, build a
science-savvy populace, or derive value from citizen science?"
Something to watch for funding opportunities, for those who are interested.
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