[TOS] Start of the school year -- what are people doing for fall semester?

Don Davis dondavis at reglue.org
Tue Aug 21 14:25:38 UTC 2012


Comparing this to "science" and "engineering" brings to mind another
area where CS is a bit behind. There is superb physics concepts
inventory for CS...

In the literature, I've been able to find discussions of a CS inventory
- explaining the need for such an inventory and outlining elements that
should be on such an inventory (Herman et al.; Goldman et al.; cf.
Dehnadi & Bornat...).

Given this state of affairs - a clear delineation of the open source way
would be ahead of the curve. Side note - What about "The Cathedral and
the Bazaar" or "Free as in Freedom" - do either or both of these texts
qualify as delineating the (FO)OS way?

On 08/21/2012 08:50 AM,
tosmail20110729.neophyte_rep at ordinaryamerican.net wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 4:50 AM, Mel Chua - mel at purdue.edu wrote:
>> I'm still frustrated by the phrase "the open source way" not being backed up
>> by anything other than anecdotes. What the heck does that mean? I want to
>> make sure that, when we talk about "teaching open source," we're not just
>> waving our hands around excitedly about shiny stuff -- so I'm sidestepping
>> to look at how other groups in other areas have built deep, rich, enduring
>> understandings and transformations, because the approach of getting
>> frustrated and burnt-out banging my head against *just* the TOS wall seems
>> counterproductive. Mmm, learning.
> There was a time when Science and Engineering were nebulous concepts.
> Then folks like Michael Faraday came along and started insisting that
> theories had to be backed up by experiment, not just the consensus of
> the practitioners.
> Perhaps you can find someone who has an interest in the History of
> Science and Engineering who can help you understand how we came to use
> the phrase "to Engineer" as superior to "to make".  Surely that would
> bear on the issue you have.
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