[TOS] SIGCSE TOS Pre-Conference Symposium

Mel Chua mel at purdue.edu
Sun Jan 1 23:09:04 UTC 2012

> I'd like to invite all interested parties to register as early as 
> possible, to give us a good idea of the number folks we'll be 
> expecting. Feel free to read on the SIGCSE website [2] about the 
> unconference we're planning.

Now with a wiki page! 
http://teachingopensource.org/index.php/SIGCSE_2012/TOS_symposium is 
still incomplete and stublike, but contains all the vitals and a first 
round of resources on the unconference format; we'll be working on 
shaping this together over the TOS list in the coming weeks.

(Happy New Year, everyone!)


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