[TOS] NYC high school for software engineering

Mel Chua mel at purdue.edu
Mon Jan 23 18:18:48 UTC 2012

Was reading the news today...


Short version is that in "September New York City will open its first
public high school dedicated to training kids in software development:
The Academy for Software Engineering."

I wonder how they plan on recruiting, how they plan on teaching, and so 
on... the article reports that "the school was the brainchild of Mike 
Zamansky, a teacher at Stuyvesant High School," so if anyone knows more 
about this I'd be super-curious about it.

Would they be interested in TOS? I know we have some folks from New York 
colleges here who might be interested in enrolling graduates from this 
sort of program, and wonder if starting high school students early in 
the same (H?)FOSS projects as some nearby colleges could be a nice 
opportunity for vertical learning, peer teaching, and involving students 
in a community of practice that is real *and* also has scaffolding to 
accommodate them.


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