[TOS] Fwd: FOSS Journals

Michael Adeyeye micadeyeye at gmail.com
Sat Jan 28 11:12:35 UTC 2012

Also see http://oss2012.org/

On Fri, Jan 27, 2012 at 2:37 PM, Gregory Hislop <hislopg at drexel.edu> wrote:

> While different than journals, there are some conferences that have a
> focus on FOSS.  The conference run by IFIP working group 2.13 is one (
> http://ifipwg213.org/).  Also the conference on mining software
> repositories has a lot of FOSS related material (http://2012.msrconf.org/
> ).
> Cheers,
> Greg Hislop
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tos-bounces at teachingopensource.org [mailto:
> tos-bounces at teachingopensource.org] On Behalf Of Mel Chua
> Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2012 10:14 PM
> To: TOS List
> Subject: Re: [TOS] FOSS Journals
> On 01/26/2012 01:51 PM, Don Davis wrote:
> > Which (FOSS) journals are list members reading/relying on/submitting to?
> > I'm looking for journals outside the scope of IEEE and ACM...
> I... would love to know if people have better ideas, because I've had
> multi-hour sit-down sessions with *three* librarians from *different*
> libraries by now and we're still scratching our heads a bit.
> FOSS-centric journals (in English, anyway)? I've found one:
> http://www.igi-global.com/journal/international-journal-open-source-software/1123
> -- which as far as I can tell is (1) expensive and (2) not in my library
> (I can check, though). So I haven't gotten to take a look to see what
> it's got and how good it is. If anyone has access to this I would *love*
> to hear what you think of it (even as a quick glance) -- is it worth me
> asking librarians at Purdue to help me chase it down? The articles look
> super-interesting:
> http://www.igi-global.com/journal-contents/international-journal-open-source-software/1123
> And then there's random stuff here and there. You said you were looking
> outside ACM and IEEE, so here goes.
> I've found some FOSS-related papers in the International Journal of
> Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (for example: "An empirical
> analysis of the open source development process based on mining of
> source code repositories") There's also stuff like "Public participation
> in proprietary software development through user roles and discourse" in
> the International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, and at least one
> Wikipedia-related article in the International Journal of Technology
> Management ("'Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia' as a role model? Lessons
> for open innovation from an exploratory examination of the supposedly
> democratic-anarchic nature of Wikipedia.")
> In other words, it's scattershot. There doesn't seem to be a rhyme or
> reason to this yet. You can start ranging outside computing-related
> stuff into the fields of law and econ, anthro and sociology, management
> studies... I mean, if that's what you're looking for, I can share more
> stuff, but it's probably a little far afield -- and pretty much equally
> scattershot.
> In my extremely limited "I've completed one semester of grad school"
> experience (DISCLAIMER!), everything is... spotty. It's not like you'll
> find tons of articles on open source in any one journal. And authors who
> write about open source tend to write one article in one journal,
> another article in another journal... so as far as I can tell it's
> impossible to fix your sights on a few targets and harvest a continuing
> stream of good information, you have to constantly hunter-gatherer.
> But then again, that's what happens when stuff is emergent -- or so I'm
> told. Maybe my professors are trying to make me feel better, though. :)
> --Mel
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