[TOS] TOS birds of a feather?

Mel Chua mel at purdue.edu
Tue Sep 11 03:19:09 UTC 2012

Am 08.09.2012 08:51, schrieb Don Davis:
> I'm not sure if anyone has started organizing BOFs for TOS yet.

I don't think so, but I would be really, really happy to see someone 
else put one together. I am officially Not Organizing Anything 
TOS-related for FIE this year because (1) I've done lots of it in the 
past, and it's time to get some fresh blood flowing! and (2) FIE is 
right before my quals, so I... will be distracted by other things, 
like... passing.

I would be tremendously interested in investigating FOSS identity 
trajectories and underrepresented minorities, though my own focus is on 
post-secondary rather than K-12 (no problems with talking K-12, which 
imo is a hugely under-tapped area here; I just want to be able to talk 
about undergrad/grad too!) But that's up to the people who put together 
the proposal(s). ;-)


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