[TOS] Short intro to POSSE by myself in Bologna on September 15

Gianluca Torta gianluca.torta at unito.it
Thu Aug 23 15:50:05 UTC 2018

Dear all,

I have been a POSSE student last year in Bologna and I was enthusiastic of
the workshop and its community

this is just to let all of you know that on September 15 (again in
Bologna!) I will be giving a short talk to introduce the ideas behind POSSE
and my personal experience with it to an audience of Italian high-school
and academic teachers

the talk will be part of the program of the conference "Didattica Aperta"
(Open Education), (unfortunately) an Italian-only speaking conference:
(look at the bottom of the page for the POSSE talk)

should you have any suggestions or requests about information or links to
provide in my talk, please let me know!

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