[TOS] Fwd: [Systers] New England Celebration of Women in Computing

Leslie Hawthorn mebelh at gmail.com
Sat Feb 16 07:50:50 UTC 2019

Just the messenger, but forwarding since I know many folks in the New
England area of the United States are on this list.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Elizabeth Anne Gates Applin <anne.applin at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 at 02:19
Subject: [Systers] New England Celebration of Women in Computing
To: <systers+celebration42 at systers.org>

We need speakers!  This is a student centered event and we only
have room to feed 200, But speakers who want to come and only present
can register as volunteers.  Come share your strength and your
experiences... ask your employers to come recruit, we still need sponsors...
recruiters, swag, conference bags?  As  faculty, going to Grace Hopper
and being in the company of so many technical women had a huge
impact on me.  We need to encourage the women we have, to stay.  Come
be that inspiration!  This is not a peer reviewed event.  Any panel,
session, or workshop that fits will be welcomed.  The conference is only
24 hours... 1 pm Friday to 1 pm Saturday.

Does anyone want to do the resume Rx?  critique resumes and help
students present themselves well?   wow... A "how to present yourself
well" session would be useful to the students!  What are the sought after
skill sets??

We would like a profession women track running parallel to the student track
proposals for either track would be welcomed as would full participants in

Below is the CFP that has gone out to the university population twice.
Come on Boston!  We had a great turnout in Portland Maine two years
Please disseminate this Call For Participation to your students,
colleagues, and contacts.


Dear Colleagues,

The Second New England Celebration of Women in Computing (NECWiC) will be
held on Friday, April 26, and Saturday, April 27, 2019, at Simmons
University in Boston, Massachusetts.  We have an exciting event planned,
with distinguished keynote speakers (Nicole Immorlica (Microsoft Research
New England Lab) and Jeannie Albrecht (Williams College), panels, technical
sessions, hands-on training workshops, a career fair, and more.

Student participants are encouraged to submit posters of their research
projects for our poster session (there will be prizes!)  Students are also
invited to participate in the third Simmons "SharkHack" hackathon
<http://scsharkhack.org/> immediately following the conference -- SharkHack
runs from Friday afternoon through Sunday midday. Subsidized registration
and housing (limited capacity) is available for student attendees.

Please consider organizing a NECWiC session, participating yourself, and
encouraging your students and colleagues to attend!

Questions about the conference may be directed to necwic at simmons.edu.

*Present and Participate: (Proposal Deadline in Two Weeks)*
Please submit your proposals for panels, student research posters, oral
technical presentations, workshops by *March 1, 2019* *(note: deadline has
been extended!)*:
Participants are also invited to submit their resumes by *March 15*. You
can specify whether you want your resume to be made available to our
industry and academic partners, or whether you would like to submit it for
review during our one-on-one "Resume Rx" sessions.

*Register to Attend:*
Registration is now open at:
Early (before March 15) student registration is $25, or $35 with a shared
hotel room. (Subsidized student hotel space is available only for students
who live more than 30 miles away, and we have limited capacity, so please
register early if you are requesting this option!)  Non-student early
registration is $100. Registration includes attendance at all events;
dinner on Friday; lunch on Saturday; and refreshments during breaks.

Lodging for conference attendees is available at The Inn at Longwood
Medical at a special conference rate of $209 (single) or $229 (double) -
please book your lodging through the registration site.

NECWiC is cosponsored by ACM-W, Microsoft, and CRA-W. We are actively
seeking additional sponsors and supporters! If you are interested in
becoming a sponsor and/or connecting to students as an employer at the
Career Fair, please visit https://necwic.hosting.acm.org/sponsors/ or
contact Donna Seppy (donna.seppy at maine.edu).

Please send any inquiries to necwic at simmons.edu or to the appropriate

Best regards, and we hope to see you in Boston in April!

*Anne Applin* (Southern Maine Community College), Conference Chair
*Marie desJardins* (Simmons University), Local Arrangements Chair
*Stephanie Li* (Colby College) and *Deborah Boisvert* (University of
Massachusetts-Boston), Program Co-Chairs
*Donna Seppy* (University of Maine) and *Nanette Veilleux* (Simmons
University), Sponsorship/Career Fair Co-Chairs
*Amber Stubbs* (Simmons University), Poster Competition Chair

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Leslie Hawthorn

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