[TOS] Conference for student newbies

Heidi Ellis heidi.ellis at wne.edu
Mon Jan 18 18:26:12 UTC 2021

Hi Folks,

Several people have brought it to my attention that the announcement indicates a change of date for the Open Source 101 conference:

*Important update... this event will now take place February 24/25, 2021. Additional details will be forthcoming, but it will follow the same general format as originally planned in 2020*

Thank you to all who let me know!

On 1/17/21 5:45 PM, Heidi Ellis wrote:

Hi Folks,

If you're interested in getting students started in open source, Open Source 101 (https://opensource101.com/events/2021/)<https://opensource101.com/events/2021/>  is a great way to get started.   Produced by All Things Open, Open Source 101 is a one day virtual conference intended to educate students (and professionals) on how to get started in open source with sessions ranging from containers to security to licensing and more! Sessions are delivered by top experts in the country.  This is a great conference as it is explicitly aimed at students.  The University of Texas at Austin will be there. Join them for great discussions on how to get started in open source. Open Source 101 will take place on March 30th, 2021, and will be hosted virtually online, located in the heart of Austin Texas' technology and entertainment district.


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